Idris Khan: Repeat After Me - The Poetic Collapse of Time in Contemporary Art

Repeat After Me

von Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH

- One of the most exciting contemporary British artists- First comprehensive career survey accompanying Khan's first US exhibition- Conversation with artist and author Edmund de Waal, author of The Hare with Amber Eyes - One of the most exciting contemporary British artists- First comprehensive career survey accompanying Khan's first US exhibition- Conversation with artist and author Edmund de Waal, author of The Hare with Amber Eyes

Buch (Gebunden)

EUR 48,00

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Versandtermin: 11. Februar 2025, wenn Sie jetzt bestellen.
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Idris Khan is internationally recognized for a densely-layered, poetic body of work imbued with echoes and reverberations that evoke the flow of time. Drawing inspiration from culturally coded sources and artifacts, Khan explores themes including history, religion, music and cumulative experience. Repetition and ritual are central to Khan's approach to image-making and have remained a throughline in his practice. Spanning painting, photographic prints, watercolors, works on paper, sculpture, and video, Khan condenses human experience into images that encapsulate the metaphysical collapse of time into singular moments. Idris Khan: Repeat After Me chronicles the development of the British artist's practice across more than two decades, from his early monochromatic photographic works to a new series of abstract watercolor compositions that encapsulate the essence of iconic paintings of the 16th-18th centuries through their use of color. Accompanying his first US exhibition, this catalogue will feature essays by curator Marcelle Polednik, art critic David Carrier and a conversation between Idris Khan and artist Edmund de Waal.

London-based IDRIS KHAN (*1978, Birmingham) is one of the most exciting British artists of his generation. Upon completing his Master's Degree in Fine Art at the Royal College of Art in London in 2004, he first garnered international attention for his digital layering of black-and-white photographs. In 2018, he created the British Museum's first site-specific work, he has had numerous international solo exhibitions, and in 2017 was awarded the American Architecture Prize for his design of Abu Dhabi's Wahat Al Karama. 

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Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH


Medium: Buch
Format: Gebunden
Seiten: 244
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Dezember 2024
Maße: 298 x 260 mm
Gewicht: 1882 g
ISBN-10: 3775755985
ISBN-13: 9783775755986
Verlagsbestell-Nr.: 0005598


Hatje Cantz Verlag GmbH
Mommsenstraße 27
10629 Berlin
E-Mail: Berlin@hatjecantz.de
Internet: www.hatjecantz.de
Telefon: 030 346467800
Telefax: 030 328904262

Bestell-Nr.: 37107678 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR): 225194
Libri-Relevanz: 2 (max 9.999)
Bestell-Nr. Verlag: 0005598

Ist ein Paket? 1
Rohertrag: 14,80 €
Porto: 3,35 €
Deckungsbeitrag: 11,45 €

LIBRI: 3019452
LIBRI-EK*: 30.06 € (33%)
LIBRI-VK: 48,00 €
Libri-STOCK: 3
* EK = ohne MwSt.
DRM: 0
0 = Kein Kopierschutz
1 = PDF Wasserzeichen
2 = DRM Adobe
3 = DRM WMA (Windows Media Audio)
4 = MP3 Wasserzeichen
6 = EPUB Wasserzeichen

UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 15840 

KNO: 97019005
KNO-EK*: 29.92 € (33.3%)
KNO-VK: 48,00 €

P_ABB: 220 Fotos
KNOABBVERMERK: 2024. 244 S. 220 Abb. 297 mm
KNOMITARBEITER: Herausgegeben:Polednik, Marcelle;Text:Polednik, Marcelle; Carrier, David
Einband: Gebunden
Sprache: Englisch

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