Lacuna's Point

von Meyer, Tim / Press, Darklit   (Autor)

Three years ago, Ellie Brower's daughter went missing somewhere in the heart of Virginia. Today, Ellie receives a mysterious text message that leads her to believe her daughter might still be alive. She follows this rabbit hole to the coastal town of Lacuna's Point. But there's something wrong with this place. The town's only constable is zero help and downright hostile. There's a beloved mayor who presides over town affairs, but no one has ever seen his face. Meanwhile, an enormous clock tower holds something sinister behind its cyclopean eye of time. As Ellie unravels the mystery of her missing daughter, the town begins to change. Its geography. Its spirit. Slowly, this homely paradise transforms into a nightmarish dreamworld. And not just the town; the people themselves are slowly evolving into something...else.

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Three years ago, Ellie Brower's daughter went missing somewhere in the heart of Virginia. Today, Ellie receives a mysterious text message that leads her to believe her daughter might still be alive. She follows this rabbit hole to the coastal town of Lacuna's Point.

But there's something wrong with this place. The town's only constable is zero help and downright hostile. There's a beloved mayor who presides over town affairs, but no one has ever seen his face. Meanwhile, an enormous clock tower holds something sinister behind its cyclopean eye of time.

As Ellie unravels the mystery of her missing daughter, the town begins to change. Its geography. Its spirit. Slowly, this homely paradise transforms into a nightmarish dreamworld. And not just the town; the people themselves are slowly evolving into something...else. 


Tim Meyer dwells in a dark cave near the Jersey Shore. He's an author of over fifteen novels and novellas, including Malignant Summer, The Switch House, Dead Daughters, Limbs, and many other titles. His screenplay adaptation for The Switch House has won two finalist awards (Semifinalist, ScreenCraft Horror Competition 2020 & Semifinalist, Filmmatic Horror Screenplay Awards 5). He exists on coffee and IPAs.You can visit him at timmeyerwrites. 

Mehr vom Verlag:

DarkLit Press

Mehr vom Autor:

Meyer, Tim / Press, Darklit


Medium: eBook
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: ADOBE DRM
Seiten: 412
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: August 2023
Auflage: 1. Auflage
ISBN-10: 1998851117
ISBN-13: 9781998851119

Bestell-Nr.: 36273773 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
Libri-Relevanz: 0 (max 9.999)

Ist ein Paket? 0
Rohertrag: 0,42 €
Porto: 1,84 €
Deckungsbeitrag: -1,42 €

LIBRI: 0000000
LIBRI-EK*: 2.38 € (15%)
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Libri-STOCK: 1
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DRM: 2
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UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 81110 

KNO: 00000000
KNO-EK*: € (%)
KNO-VK: 0,00 €

Einband: EPUB
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Sprache: Englisch

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