100 Posters / 134 Squirrels: A Decade of Hot Dogs, Large Mammals, and Independent Rock: ...

A Decade of Hot Dogs, Large Mammals, and Independent Rock: The Handcrafted Art of Jay Ryan

von Ryan, Jay   (Autor)

A 2010 reissue of Jay Ryan's underground hit book, with new material added, and essays by Steve Albini, Art Chantry, Greg Kot, and Debra Parr. ?Jay Ryan's decade of rock-postering has produced some superb and arresting work . . . I cannot think of a better visual advertisement for underground rock: posters that are wild, articulate, and well made; posters with both a heart and a brain.? ?PopMatters ?Not only a gorgeous catalog of the artist's many memorable posters, but a history of sorts of the Chicago underground rock scene in the last 15 years.? ?Chicago Sun-Times An updated and revised greatest-hits collection of Jay Ryan's first decade of compelling posters, framed by essays from luminaries in the music, design, and poster worlds?including Steve Albini, Art Chantry, Greg Kot, and Debra Parr.

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A 2010 reissue of Jay Ryan's underground hit book, with new material added, and essays by Steve Albini, Art Chantry, Greg Kot, and Debra Parr.

?Jay Ryan's decade of rock-postering has produced some superb and arresting work . . . I cannot think of a better visual advertisement for underground rock: posters that are wild, articulate, and well made; posters with both a heart and a brain.? ?PopMatters

?Not only a gorgeous catalog of the artist's many memorable posters, but a history of sorts of the Chicago underground rock scene in the last 15 years.? ?Chicago Sun-Times

An updated and revised greatest-hits collection of Jay Ryan's first decade of compelling posters, framed by essays from luminaries in the music, design, and poster worlds?including Steve Albini, Art Chantry, Greg Kot, and Debra Parr. 


JAY RYAN has been making screenprinted concert posters in Chicago since 1995. He learned to print at the now-legendary Screwball Press, and started his own print shop, The Bird Machine, in the basement of his apartment building in 1999. He served as vice president of the American Poster Institute from 2002?2007. In 2007, Crain's Chicago Business included Ryan on their prestigious ?40 Under 40? list, and the following year, Time Out Chicago named him a ?Chicago Cultural Hero.? His books include 100 Posters/134 Squirrels, Animals and Objects In and Out of Water, and No One Told Me Not to Do This. 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Akashic Books, Ltd.

Mehr aus der Reihe:

The Guilford Press

Mehr vom Autor:

Ryan, Jay


Medium: eBook
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: ADOBE DRM
Seiten: 120
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Dezember 2010
Auflage: Second Edition
ISBN-10: 1617752428
ISBN-13: 9781617752421

Bestell-Nr.: 33127073 
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Einband: EPUB
Auflage: Second Edition
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): EPUB3

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