In the Flesh

von Holly, Emma   (Autor)

Dancer Chloe Dubois is a heady combination of innocence and sultry seduction, and Japanese-American businessman David Imakita will risk everything he has to keep her: his career, his friends, even his integrity - such is her power over him. But who is this temptress and what does she want?

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Dancer Chloe Dubois is a heady combination of innocence and sultry seduction, and Japanese-American businessman David Imakita will risk everything he has to keep her: his career, his friends, even his integrity - such is her power over him. But who is this temptress and what does she want? 


Emma Holly is the most popular author of women's fiction in the US who is now making a name for herself in the UK. She is the author of Cooking up a Storm, In the Flesh, Menage, The Top of Her Game and Velvet Glove, all available from Black Lace. 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Ebury Publishing

Mehr vom Autor:

Holly, Emma


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 288
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Juni 2007
Maße: 179 x 111 mm
Gewicht: 159 g
ISBN-10: 0352341173
ISBN-13: 9780352341174


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