Pleasures of the Night

von Day, Sylvia   (Autor)

In this deeply sensuous story of paranormal erotica-fantasy can become nightmare... In the twilight between sleep and consciousness, a battle rages. The Dream Guardians harness the energy created in slumber, even going so far as to fuel the sexual fantasies of those asleep to create maximum power. The Nightmares, however, feed on fear and distress, and it is up to the Guardians to protect their charges... Aidan Cross is a Dream Guardian who pleasures the women he protects through deeply erotic dreams. It is physically satisfying if somewhat empty emotionally, for these women do not realize he is more than a fantasy. Until Lyssa Bates. For some reason, she recognizes him and knows his purpose...and still welcomes him into her bed. But just as their passion threatens to consume him body and soul, a danger lurks, for Lyssa is the Key that has been prophesized to destroy his world...

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In this deeply sensuous story of paranormal erotica-fantasy can become nightmare... In the twilight between sleep and consciousness, a battle rages. The Dream Guardians harness the energy created in slumber, even going so far as to fuel the sexual fantasies of those asleep to create maximum power. The Nightmares, however, feed on fear and distress, and it is up to the Guardians to protect their charges... Aidan Cross is a Dream Guardian who pleasures the women he protects through deeply erotic dreams. It is physically satisfying if somewhat empty emotionally, for these women do not realize he is more than a fantasy. Until Lyssa Bates. For some reason, she recognizes him and knows his purpose...and still welcomes him into her bed. But just as their passion threatens to consume him body and soul, a danger lurks, for Lyssa is the Key that has been prophesized to destroy his world... 


Sylvia Day is the #1 New York Times, #1 Sunday Times, and #1 international bestselling author of over twenty award-winning novels, including ten New York Times bestsellers and thirteen USA Today bestsellers. She is a number one bestselling author in twenty-nine countries, with translations in forty-one languages and over twenty million copies of her books in print. Visit her at sylviaday 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Avon Red Impulse

Mehr aus der Reihe:

Star Trek

Mehr vom Autor:

Day, Sylvia


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 304
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: April 2007
Maße: 203 x 133 mm
Gewicht: 385 g
ISBN-10: 0061230987
ISBN-13: 9780061230981


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P_ABB: black & white illustrations
Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
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