
von Wolfe, Sean   (Autor)

Literate, intimate, and 100 percent hot--the stories in Aroused reflect the sexual seasons of a gay man's life, offering something for each and every reader. Here are tales of newfound desire, of couples looking to keep their sex lives exciting, and of older men fearlessly redefining sensuality. A magical gift card grants a lucky birthday boy three of his deepest, hottest wishes. A substitute teacher gives a cocky young student private instruction in a bathroom stall. A hot card game between five college buddies brings new meaning to "five-card stud." These and eighteen more unforgettable stories prove that when it comes to intense pleasure and deep desire, Sean Wolfe is always the man of the season...

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Literate, intimate, and 100 percent hot--the stories in Aroused reflect the sexual seasons of a gay man's life, offering something for each and every reader. Here are tales of newfound desire, of couples looking to keep their sex lives exciting, and of older men fearlessly redefining sensuality. A magical gift card grants a lucky birthday boy three of his deepest, hottest wishes. A substitute teacher gives a cocky young student private instruction in a bathroom stall. A hot card game between five college buddies brings new meaning to "five-card stud." These and eighteen more unforgettable stories prove that when it comes to intense pleasure and deep desire, Sean Wolfe is always the man of the season... 

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Mehr vom Autor:

Wolfe, Sean


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 366
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Januar 2007
Maße: 216 x 140 mm
Gewicht: 516 g
ISBN-10: 0758216327
ISBN-13: 9780758216328


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Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Paperback

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