
von Dante, Kathleen   (Autor)

What's in a woman's heart... Brilliant executive Kiera Stevens finds herself in a vulnerable position when she suspects insider espionage. Someone she trusts is stealing company secrets and threatening her professional future. What she needs is an undercover man... What's on a man's mind... Security expert John Atlantis never expected his client to be such a hot distraction. That's what makes his covert plan to pose as her lover so irresistible. What unfolds between them is no ruse-and what it sparks is beyond their control. Now, while their defenses are down, a devious high-tech spy is moving closer, and watching Kiera's every move. What he sees, he likes. And what he likes, he takes.

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What's in a woman's heart... Brilliant executive Kiera Stevens finds herself in a vulnerable position when she suspects insider espionage. Someone she trusts is stealing company secrets and threatening her professional future. What she needs is an undercover man...

What's on a man's mind... Security expert John Atlantis never expected his client to be such a hot distraction. That's what makes his covert plan to pose as her lover so irresistible. What unfolds between them is no ruse-and what it sparks is beyond their control.

Now, while their defenses are down, a devious high-tech spy is moving closer, and watching Kiera's every move. What he sees, he likes. And what he likes, he takes. 


Kathleen Dante 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Penguin Publishing Group

Mehr vom Autor:

Dante, Kathleen


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 322
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: September 2006
Maße: 210 x 140 mm
Gewicht: 443 g
ISBN-10: 0425212750
ISBN-13: 9780425212752


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Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Paperback

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