Every Woman's Got a Secret

von Thomas, Brenda L.   (Autor)

"Brenda L. Thomas has a wonderful talent for mixing great erotica, sensual characters, and a bold storyline."-- "QBR The Black Book Review"

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"Brenda L. Thomas has a wonderful talent for mixing great erotica, sensual characters, and a bold storyline."-- "QBR The Black Book Review" 


Brenda L. Thomas is the national bestselling author of Threesome, Fourplay, The Velvet Rope, Every Woman's Got a Secret, Woman On Top, Secret Service, and the deeply moving memoir of her 15-year struggle with domestic violence and drug addiction, Laying Down My Burdens. She has contributed short stories to the anthologies Four Degrees of Heat and Kiss the Year Goodbye. Brenda, a native of Philadelphia, is currently serving as Executive Producer of the movie adaptation of Laying Down My Burdens. 

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Thomas, Brenda L.


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 290
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Januar 2007
Maße: 216 x 140 mm
Gewicht: 412 g
ISBN-10: 0743497066
ISBN-13: 9780743497060


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Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Paperback

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