The Shy Child

Overcoming and Preventing Shyness from Infancy to Adulthood

von Zimbardo, Philip G. / Radl, Shirley   (Autor)

Two out of every five people in the U.S. regard themselves as "shy." Yet shyness can be cured, says Dr. Philip Zimbardo, the nation's leading authority on shyness. With co-author Shirley Radl, Dr. Zimbardo presents a program for overcoming and preventing shyness from infancy to adulthood. The book is based on pioneering research conducted at the Stanford Shyness Clinic, including surveys of children, parents and teachers in the U.S. and abroad. It documents which parenting "style" encourages self-confidence in a child, offers help for the problems of being shy and provides methods for building a child's trust and self-esteem. The Shy Child explores the role that school plays in contributing to a child's shyness, and suggests ways to improve the quality of the classroom experience for every child. It's the only book to provide an effective program for conquering childhood shyness, before it has a chance to limit a child's options and determine the course of his or her life.

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Two out of every five people in the U.S. regard themselves as "shy." Yet shyness can be cured, says Dr. Philip Zimbardo, the nation's leading authority on shyness. With co-author Shirley Radl, Dr. Zimbardo presents a program for overcoming and preventing shyness from infancy to adulthood. The book is based on pioneering research conducted at the Stanford Shyness Clinic, including surveys of children, parents and teachers in the U.S. and abroad. It documents which parenting "style" encourages self-confidence in a child, offers help for the problems of being shy and provides methods for building a child's trust and self-esteem. The Shy Child explores the role that school plays in contributing to a child's shyness, and suggests ways to improve the quality of the classroom experience for every child. It's the only book to provide an effective program for conquering childhood shyness, before it has a chance to limit a child's options and determine the course of his or her life. 


A renowned social psychologist, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University and former director of the Stanford Shyness Clinic, Phil Zimbardo is a teaching professor at Palo Alto University. His research interests are in experimental social psychology, with an emphasis on time perspective, persuasion, violence, political psychology and terrorism. He is also the founder of the Heroic Imagination Project, a nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to promoting heroism in everyday life. 

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Malor Books

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Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 276
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Juli 2017
Maße: 216 x 140 mm
Gewicht: 351 g
ISBN-10: 1883536219
ISBN-13: 9781883536213

Bestell-Nr.: 2533499 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
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Rohertrag: 2,32 €
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Deckungsbeitrag: 0,48 €

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UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 15320 

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Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Paperback

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