Pillow Thoughts

von Peppernell, Courtney   (Autor)

Make a cup of tea and let yourself feel Pillow Thoughts is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak, love, and raw emotions. It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them most.

Buch (Kartoniert)

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Make a cup of tea and let yourself feel.

Pillow Thoughts is a collection of poetry and prose about heartbreak, love, and raw emotions. It is divided into sections to read when you feel you need them most.

Courtney Peppernell is an LGBT author from Sydney, Australia. Her biggest aim is to help others realize they are not alone in their feelings or challenges. When Courtney isn't writing, she enjoys keeping fit, listening to music, dabbling in DIY projects, and training her dog, Hero. 


Courtney Peppernell is an acclaimed bestselling author from Australia, celebrated for her inspirational poetry collections, including the beloved Pillow Thoughtsseries, Watering the Soul, I Hope You Stay, Time Will Tell, and more. With over two million sales worldwide, she continues to lead the forefront of today's poetry genre. Courtney spends her days writing and working on many projects with her cherished dogs and chickens in tow. She hopes to continue exploring expression and the art of healing through stories, novels, and poetry for years to come.

Stay tuned for more book releases and announcements from Courtney and her team! 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Simon + Schuster LLC

Mehr vom Autor:

Peppernell, Courtney


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 256
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: August 2017
Maße: 125 x 202 mm
Gewicht: 274 g
ISBN-10: 1449489753
ISBN-13: 9781449489755


Europaallee 1
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Bestell-Nr.: 20401944 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR): 8053
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Rohertrag: 5,73 €
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LIBRI: 6806406
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KNO-SAMMLUNG: Pillow Thoughts 1
KNOABBVERMERK: 2017. 272 p.
Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): ,

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