How YA Livin'

von Luckett, Jonathan   (Autor)

Johnathan Luckett returns with a novel that sizzles and sparks flames, taking readers on a sexy and suspenseful journey through the lives of three best friends as they navigate the trials and tribulations of life, love, and friendship. From the nationâ€Ös capital to the streets of New York City and the French Quarter of New Orleans, Trey, Vince, and Erika are on a mission to experience all life has to offer, including relationships gone bad to steamy sex—and all the drama in between. Trey, a love-to-hate-him type player with irresistible good looks and a charming personality, is forever running from Layla, a charmingly beautiful woman with a mysterious past. A successful motivational speaker, author, and artist by day and a hopeless romantic by night, Vince is the true embodiment of a Renaissance man. Always searching for his ideal mate, Vince finds beauty in every woman he meets—until it becomes painfully apparent that she is not the one. Confident, beautiful, and successful Erika thinks she has found the one after sifting through the endless line of fake wannabes and bottom dwellers. But when problems arise in the bedroom, she is forced to take a step back and think about what is most important in her relationships. As they support and encourage one another through adversity, heartache, and misfortune, Trey, Vince, and Erica leave a trail of pandemonium everywhere they go. Along the way, their friendship is tested as two mysterious women enter their lives. Suddenly, their world is spinning madly out of control, and when the dust settles, things may never be the same.

Buch (Kartoniert)

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Johnathan Luckett returns with a novel that sizzles and sparks flames, taking readers on a sexy and suspenseful journey through the lives of three best friends as they navigate the trials and tribulations of life, love, and friendship.

From the nationâ€Ös capital to the streets of New York City and the French Quarter of New Orleans, Trey, Vince, and Erika are on a mission to experience all life has to offer, including relationships gone bad to steamy sex—and all the drama in between.

Trey, a love-to-hate-him type player with irresistible good looks and a charming personality, is forever running from Layla, a charmingly beautiful woman with a mysterious past.

A successful motivational speaker, author, and artist by day and a hopeless romantic by night, Vince is the true embodiment of a Renaissance man. Always searching for his ideal mate, Vince finds beauty in every woman he meets—until it becomes painfully apparent that she is not the one.

Confident, beautiful, and successful Erika thinks she has found the one after sifting through the endless line of fake wannabes and bottom dwellers. But when problems arise in the bedroom, she is forced to take a step back and think about what is most important in her relationships.

As they support and encourage one another through adversity, heartache, and misfortune, Trey, Vince, and Erica leave a trail of pandemonium everywhere they go. Along the way, their friendship is tested as two mysterious women enter their lives. Suddenly, their world is spinning madly out of control, and when the dust settles, things may never be the same. 


Jonathan Luckett is a native of Brooklyn who has been writing since the seventh grade. He is the author of Feeding Frenzy, Jasmimium, Dissolve, The Forever Game, and The Mating Game. He lives in Maryland. 

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Mehr vom Autor:

Luckett, Jonathan


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 672
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Juni 2004
Auflage: Original
Maße: 229 x 152 mm
Gewicht: 1074 g
ISBN-10: 1593090250
ISBN-13: 9781593090258


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