Reynolds, F: Handmaiden of Palmyra

von Reynolds, Fleur   (Autor)

Black Lace - the leading erotic imprint for women

Buch (Kartoniert)

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A lavish erotic historical set in 3rd Century Syria... Palmyra: a lush oasis in the heart of the Syrian Desert. He wants a wife, and sends his equally lascivious sister to bring Samoya to the Bacchanalian wedding feast he is preparing. 


Chris Fujiwara is the author of Jacques Tourneur: The Cinema of Nightfall, a regular contributor to The Boston Phoenix, the editor of Undercurrent, and a former contributing editor of Hermenaut. He has also written for Film Comment, Cineaste, InterCommunication, Osian's Cinemaya, Film International, The Boston Globe, The Village Voice, The Chicago Reader, Senses of Cinema and many others. Chris has lectured on film studies at Yale University, Emerson College, and Rhode Island School of Design. He is also is a member of FIPRESCI (Fédération Internationale de la Presse Cinématographique), the National Society of Film Critics (USA), and the Boston Society of Film Critics. AUTHOR LIVES: New York and Tokyo 

Mehr vom Verlag:

Ebury Publishing

Mehr vom Autor:

Reynolds, Fleur


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 288
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: August 1994
Maße: 182 x 110 mm
Gewicht: 145 g
ISBN-10: 035232919X
ISBN-13: 9780352329196

Bestell-Nr.: 1067356 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
Libri-Relevanz: 0 (max 9.999)

Ist ein Paket? 0
Rohertrag: 2,10 €
Porto: 1,84 €
Deckungsbeitrag: 0,26 €

LIBRI: 0000000
LIBRI-EK*: 6.31 € (25%)
LIBRI-VK: 9,00 €
Libri-STOCK: 0
LIBRI: 007 vergriffen, keine Neuauflage, nicht vorgemerkt * EK = ohne MwSt.
DRM: 0
0 = Kein Kopierschutz
1 = PDF Wasserzeichen
2 = DRM Adobe
3 = DRM WMA (Windows Media Audio)
4 = MP3 Wasserzeichen
6 = EPUB Wasserzeichen

UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 21110 

KNO: 10914724
KNO-EK*: 5.18 € (40%)
KNO-VK: 7,20 €

KNOABBVERMERK: 2002. 288 S. 178 mm
Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch

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