Operation Barbarossa

the Complete Organisational and Statistical Analysis, and Military Simulation Volume IIA

von Askey, Nigel   (Autor)

Operation Barbarossa: Volume IIA concerns the Wehrmacht. All the significant German weapon systems and combat squads used in the campaign are analysed using the quantitative methodology detailed in Volume I, along with the contextual history. An assessment of each weapon system's inherent 'combat power' is provided, as well as attributes such as the relative anti-tank, anti-personnel and anti-aircraft values. Volume IIA then focuses on the detailed Kriegstarkenachweisungen (KStN, or TOE) for German land units (including those in the West), as well as the unit's actual organisation and equipment. All significant units in the German Army (Heer), Waffen SS, Luftwaffe and security forces are included; ranging from the largest panzer divisions, down to small anti-aircraft companies, military-police units, Landesschutzen battalions, and rail-road and construction companies. In all cases the data is presented in detailed tables, using the weapon systems and combat squads previously analysed.

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Operation Barbarossa: Volume IIA concerns the Wehrmacht. All the significant German weapon systems and combat squads used in the campaign are analysed using the quantitative methodology detailed in Volume I, along with the contextual history. An assessment of each weapon system's inherent 'combat power' is provided, as well as attributes such as the relative anti-tank, anti-personnel and anti-aircraft values. Volume IIA then focuses on the detailed Kriegstarkenachweisungen (KStN, or TOE) for German land units (including those in the West), as well as the unit's actual organisation and equipment. All significant units in the German Army (Heer), Waffen SS, Luftwaffe and security forces are included; ranging from the largest panzer divisions, down to small anti-aircraft companies, military-police units, Landesschutzen battalions, and rail-road and construction companies. In all cases the data is presented in detailed tables, using the weapon systems and combat squads previously analysed. 


Nigel Askey, a University of Sussex physics graduate, worked as a consultant for Talonsoft on their 'East-Front' military simulation series. These remain amongst the most realistic tactical-operational military simulations ever published, with several hundred thousand copies sold. In 1990 he immigrated to Australia, and in 1997 commenced research for the 'Operation Barbarossa 'project', which has been under development for over two decades. 

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Mehr vom Autor:

Askey, Nigel


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 722
Sprache: Englisch
Erschienen: Februar 2018
Maße: 297 x 210 mm
Gewicht: 1839 g
ISBN-10: 1304453294
ISBN-13: 9781304453297

Bestell-Nr.: 14546927 
Libri-Verkaufsrang (LVR):
Libri-Relevanz: 0 (max 9.999)

Ist ein Paket? 1
Rohertrag: 5,23 €
Porto: 3,35 €
Deckungsbeitrag: 1,88 €

LIBRI: 0000000
LIBRI-EK*: 99.35 € (5%)
LIBRI-VK: 111,90 €
Libri-STOCK: 0
LIBRI: 097 Print on Demand. Lieferbar innerhalb von 7 bis 10 Tagen * EK = ohne MwSt.

UVP: 2 
Warengruppe: 15520 

KNO: 00000000
KNO-EK*: € (%)
KNO-VK: 0,00 €

Einband: Kartoniert
Sprache: Englisch
Beilage(n): Paperback

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