Circle of Five

von Riccio, Dolores Stewart   (Autor)

Now that her children are grown, her lout of an ex-husband is gone, and her herbal remedy business has taken off, Cass Shipton is free to enjoy the simple comforts of her grown-up life. But Cass's idyllic, small-town life changes after she bumps carts at the local supermarket with a stranger in a green cap.

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Now that her children are grown, her lout of an ex-husband is gone, and her herbal remedy business has taken off, Cass Shipton is free to enjoy the simple comforts of her grown-up life. But Cass's idyllic, small-town life changes after she bumps carts at the local supermarket with a stranger in a green cap. 


Dolores Riccio is the author of eight cookbooks, including Superfoods: 300 Recipes for Foods that Heal the Mind and Body and Superfoods for Women: 300 Recipes that Fulfill Your Special Nutritional Needs. She is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals. She lives in Warwick, Rhode Island. 

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Riccio, Dolores Stewart


Medium: Buch
Format: Kartoniert
Seiten: 308
Sprache: Englisch, Französisch
Erschienen: März 2003
Maße: 216 x 140 mm
Gewicht: 437 g
ISBN-10: 0758203004
ISBN-13: 9780758203007


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