
  • Artikel 1 bis 3 von 3
  • Gene Hunter

    The Story of Neuropsychologist Nancy Wexler

    von Adele Glimm

    Hunter, detective, scientist - Nancy is all these, and a friend to people everywhere who are affected by a fatal, ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 22,50

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  • Nature's Machines

    The Story of Biomechanist Mimi Koehl

    von Deborah Parks

    Mimi Koehl is a biomechanist. She uses engineering and physics to study the designs of living things that fly, swim, ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 22,50

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    Florence Nightingale (Yesterday's Classics)

    von Laura E Richards

    Inspiring story of Florence Nightingale from her earliest days as privileged daughter of an English squire to her role as ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 13,80

      nicht lieferbar

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