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    von Dennis S Martin

    Rick Holden is a struggling writer. He has retreated to the seclusion of Avalon Estates to complete his latest novel, ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 19,00

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    What the Dead Know

    von Laura Lippman

    One of the most acclaimed and honored writers in the field of crime fiction, Laura Lippman offers readers a gripping ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 17,10

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    Crucible for Silver and Furnace for Gold

    von Moraa Gitaa

    Giorgio thought that a sojourn to Kenya's coast was the perfect way to kick back and relax, luxuriate in the ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 35,80

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    The Good Soldier

    von Ford Madox Ford

    Set just before World War I, The Good Soldier chronicles the tragedies of the lives of two seemingly perfect couples. ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 15,40

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