Family & Education

  • Artikel 1 bis 20 von 100000
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    Dad, I Want to Hear Your Story

    A Father's Guided Journal To Share His Life & His ...

    von Jeffrey Mason ...

    The Gift Your Father Will Enjoy and Appreciate Dad, I Want to Hear Your Story is the popular and cherished ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 14,00

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    Time Zones 1 with the Spark Platform

    von Ian Purdon ...

    Time Zones, Third Edition uses amazing photography, updated videos, and inspiring stories of global citizens to encourage teenage learners to ...

    Buch (Gebunden)

    EUR 84,50

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    Beginning theory

    An introduction to literary and cultural theory: Fourth edition

    von Peter Barry

    Beginning theory has been helping students navigate through the thickets of literary and cultural theory for over two decades. This ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 22,60

    Am Lager, sofort lieferbar

    Versandtermin: 13. Dezember 2024, wenn Sie jetzt bestellen.
    (nur innerhalb Deutschlands, nicht Geschenksendungen)

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    Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story

    A Mother's Guided Journal To Share Her Life & Her ...

    von Jeffrey Mason ...

    "Mom, I Want to Hear Your Story" is the perfect way for Mothers to share the joys and triumphs of ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 13,50

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    Attachment, Trauma and Consensual Nonmonogamy

    von Jessica Fern

    A practical translation of the principles of attachment theory to nonmonogamous relationships.

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 21,00

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    How to Raise a Feminist Son

    A Memoir & Manifesto

    von Sonora Jha

    "Originally published in hardcover in the United States by Sasquatch Books in 2021"--Title page verso.

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 21,00

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    More Than Two, Second Edition

    Cultivating Nonmonogamous Relationships with Kindness and Integrity Volume 9

    von Eve Rickert ...

    A modern topology of nonmonogamy's many possibilities--and consequences.

    Buch (Gebunden)

    EUR 36,00

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    Positive Discipline

    The Classic Guide to Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline, Responsibility, Cooperation, ...

    von Jane Nelsen

    For twenty-five years, Positive Discipline has been the gold standard reference for grown-ups working with children. Now Jane Nelsen, distinguished ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 21,00

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    The League of Extraordinary Educators

    The Secret Strategies of Transformational Teachers

    von Shaun Woodly

    Deliver on the promise of equity and transformational instruction in your classroom In The League of Extraordinary Educators, veteran educator ...

    Buch (Gebunden)

    EUR 28,00

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    (vergriffen, leider nicht mehr lieferbar.)

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    How to Raise a Healthy Gamer

    End Power Struggles, Break Bad Screen Habits, and Transform Your ...

    von Alok Kanojia

    "When it comes to family rules around video games, most parents are at a loss. How much should I let ...

    Buch (Gebunden)

    EUR 29,00

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    Raising Securely Attached Kids

    Using Connection-Focused Parenting to Create Confidence, Empathy, and Resilience

    von Eli Harwood

    Create a lifetime of connection with your children. Therapist and wildly popular attachment research expert Eli Harwood (a.k.a. Attachment Nerd) illuminates ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 21,00

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    Spectrum Women

    Walking to the Beat of Autism

    von COOK BARB

    15 autistic women give empowerment, advice, support and insight to fellow autistic women, with clinical commentary from a specialist

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 23,50

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    Disconnected Kids, Third Edition

    The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Program for Children with Autism, Adhd, ...

    von Robert Melillo

    A revised and updated edition of the proven, drug-free program to treat the cause—not just the symptoms—of autism spectrum disorders, ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 20,00

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    The Blessing

    von Gary Smalley

    Now family counselors Gary Smalley and John Trent, Ph.D., show us how we can transform our lives-even when it is ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 12,00

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    The Kids Are All Right

    Parenting with Confidence in an Uncertain World

    von Gabrielle Stanley Blair ...

    "An unexpected parenting guide that encourages parents to let go of their notions of what it means to be a ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 19,00

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    Conscious Uncoupling

    5 Steps to Living Happily Even After

    von Katherine Woodward Thomas

    And Then They Lived Happily… We enter our romantic relationships with great love, hope, and excitement--we've found the 'one', so ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 19,00

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    All the Rage

    Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership

    von Darcy Lockman

    Why do men do so little at home? Why do women do so much? Why don't our egalitarian values match our lived ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 22,00

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    How to Raise a Boy

    The Power of Connection to Build Good Men

    von Michael C Reichert

    At a time when many boys are in crisis, a much-needed roadmap for helping boys grow into strong and compassionate ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 20,00

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    In Their Shoes

    Navigating Non-Binary Life

    von Jamie Windust

    Frank, funny and feisty, this must-read book is packed full of inspiring ways to live and thrive in your best ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 22,00

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    Raising Antiracist Children

    A Practical Parenting Guide

    von Britt Hawthorne

    From nationally recognized anti-racist and anti-bias educator, speaker, and activist Britt Hawthorne, comes a practical guide for parents and teachers ...

    Buch (Kartoniert)

    EUR 19,00

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